
Please join us for an educational fall prevention program presented by Occupational Therapists from the Center for Aging Resources & Enrichment (CARE) and Le Moyne College

This free program will focus on fall risk factors and modifications to decrease future falls. Participants will receive:

  • Strengthening exercises
  • Informational handouts
  • Evidence-based presentations
  • Individualized recommendations


Meet Your Presenters


Paul Musso, OTR/L (Fall Prevention Program Coordinator)
Paul Musso is a graduate of the Le Moyne College Master of Science in Occupational Therapy Program. During his time at Le Moyne he served as President of the Student Occupational Therapy Association and was actively engaged in community service. One volunteer opportunity he participated in was the Fall Prevention series at a variety of local retirement and senior activity facilities in the Syracuse area. He quickly developed a strong passion for working in this community-based model and enjoys helping people safely fulfill their desired roles and daily occupations. Upon becoming a registered and licensed Occupational Therapist, Paul became the Program Coordinator for the CARE Fall Prevention Program. He helped revamp the program to have a holistic focus on all areas of daily living. Le Moyne College instills the Jesuit idea of Cura Personalis, or caring for the whole person through education of the mind, body, and spirit. This is something that Paul exemplifies and tries to incorporate during each session of the CARE Fall Prevention Series.

Meghan Winje, OTR/L (Occupational Therapy Specialist)
Meghan earned her Master of Occupational Therapy at Le Moyne College in May, 2023. She has a passion for working with the adult and geriatric population including providing holistic services to promote overall health and well-being. Additionally, Meghan is certified in instructing Mat Pilates. She has lived in the Syracuse area her entire life and enjoys helping those who are part of her community. Meghan’s overarching goal is to provide preventive and holistic health to promote a healthy lifestyle and improved quality of life.

Cayla Wright, OTR/L, CYT, CHN (Occupational Therapy Specialist)
Cayla completed her undergraduate and graduate studies at Le Moyne College. She earned her Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy in May 2023. Cayla is passionate about preventative care for the well being and health of others. She is a certified yoga instructor, teaching weekly classes at Glow Yoga in Syracuse, NY, and a certified holistic nutritionist amplifying the services she is able to provide to the CARE community. Her love for the health and wellness industry drives her passion to enhance the lives of all individuals for a better, more fulfilling quality of life.

Tours will be available. Space is limited. To attend, please RSVP to Marcy at (315) 459-7887.


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