Your Home Away From Home
Loretto's individualized Skilled Nursing Program provides a personalized approach when working with you to develop a care plan that addresses all your individual needs, allowing you to live life to the fullest. You'll find a broad range of supportive programs, activities and events that will help give you peace of mind that you are receiving the care you deserve.
Our compassionate, highly trained staff will guide you and your family through all levels of care, implementing the latest techniques so that we can work together to continue enhancing your physical and emotional well-being, making you feel comfortable, feeling welcome, and feeling at home.
What Sets Us Apart
Engaging Community Life
Creative Resident Programing
Advanced Technology
Memory Care
The Perfect Place to Call Your Own
Optional Services
What is Palliative Care?
We understand the difficulties one goes through when caring for a loved one who is near the end of life. Our Palliative Care Program guides and cares for loved ones and their families by focusing on relieving one’s symptoms and improving their quality of life during their final days. Our family-centered program is coordinated by an interdisciplinary team of nurses, social workers, nutritionists, therapeutic recreation and our spiritual care team to create a compassionate and loving environment during the most precious moments.
Residents in this program benefit from:
- Specific attention to pain, comfort and relief.
- Pet visits: Many former pet owners like to have a pet near as they provide comfort.
- Spiritual Care for presence with loved ones.
- Music of their choice at the bedside.
- Overnight accommodations for loved ones who wish to vigil.
- We anticipate milestones and celebrate them early.
- Soothing comfort measures – hand massage, reading, soft singing, sharing stories, watching favorite movies— a variety of memorable ways to nurture and provide restful care.
- When the time comes, we honor at death, escorting your loved one from our building surrounded by their care partners.