Happy National Wellness Month! During the entire month of August, we prioritize self-care and examine the key components of our health that make up health and wellness. While many of us are busy juggling the tasks in our daily lives, we may put self-care on the backburner. But it’s now becoming a common belief that in order to be all that you can be and live up to those daily tasks, you have to make sure to nurture each and every one of those key areas of health and wellness.


The Wheel of Wellness

Wellness is defined as a state of being in good health based off of responsible decisions and lifestyle choices made in five different areas of our health throughout our lives: Physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual. As demonstrated below in the “Wheel of Wellness,” each component of wellness is interdependent of one another. Neglect one and it will adversely impact the others over a period of time. That is why it is important to find balance and harmony in one’s life and to know how to approach each area of your health with care.


5 Tips For Wellness

Rome wasn’t built in a day and the effort put into each component doesn’t need to be perfect. Taking small steps to improve your health in even just one area is enough to edge you closer towards a healthier lifestyle. You can start by doing simple things like these to give yourself a boost in the five areas:

  • Physical – Get 30 minutes of exercise a day
  • Mental – Make sleep a priority
  • Emotional – Practice gratitude
  • Social – Spend time with friends and family
  • Spiritual – Learn to meditate or take part in an organized religion


Hey Employees! Did You Know…

Here at Loretto, we also have an amazing team of employee coaches with fantastic resources and services. They are dedicated to assisting you with achieving your goals and overcoming obstacles as best as they can.

They are here to support you! You can contact our employee coaches at employeecoach@lorettosystem.org.




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