Media Contact: Julie Sheedy or 315.413.3480 

60+ Young Students Will Bake Pies for Elderly

Syracuse, NY (November 26, 2019) – Tully Middle School students will make their annual visit to Loretto Health & Rehabilitation to bake more than 40 pies that will be served at a social for the residents.

Students from Tully Middle School have made more than 1,000 pies for Loretto residents over the past 25 years!

*Media invited*

WHEN:     TODAY – Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 9:30 am

WHERE:   Auditorium at Loretto Health & Rehabilitation, 700 E. Brighton Ave., Syracuse, NY 13205

WHAT:     Interviews and photo/video with students and teachers from Tully Middle School, as well as staff and residents at Loretto Health & Rehabilitation.


Photos: Tully students baking pies with Loretto residents in 2018

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